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IWA/CC Minutes 3-7-2007
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Chairperson Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, Tim                Appleton, Audrey Delnicki, and Jack Phillips

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Roy Szoka sitting for Richard Muller
                                        Mario Marrero sitting for Carol Heffler

STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental
                                        Planner/Conservation Officer

Chairman Warren called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

ITEM:  Correspondence and Reports

Correspondence was received from SVC regarding awards, forms, etc.; Chamber of Commerce invitations for March 27, and DEP workshop schedules.

ITEM:  Wetland Officer’s Report

An Eagle Scout completed a project at the Donnelly Preserve.  He installed pedestals for informational signage.  It is planned to custom design school trips throughout the Preserve.

ITEM:  Minutes

Minutes will be reviewed at the next meeting.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Phillips recused himself from application 06-60P and left the table.

1.      Appl. #06-60P, Aldi Distribution Center – 295 Rye Street, IWA/CC application for the construction of a 500,000 sqft distribution facility, including parking lot, grading, road widening, stormwater management, utilities, and associated improvements for property located on the northerly side of Rye Street, northeasterly of Commerce Way, Industrial zone (i)

Galen Semprebon, Engineer, Design Professionals, and representing the applicant had the following comments:

o       Folger’s comments have been addressed.
o       A letter, dated February 21st, was submitted and addressed the additional impact.
o       Two catch basin’s will be discharging at Station 2+29 because of the intermittent watercourse
o       Details were updated to show the 4’ sumps.
o       The existing culvert in Rye Street will be upgraded and realigned.
o       Detail has been added to the design to this crossing including a planting plan for the embankment, slope protection, sediment basin areas that will be rip-rapped lined (for construction for placement of a pump – dewatering).
o       A construction sequence has been submitted, intent is to maintain the existing culvert during construction to allow stream flow; after culvert is replaced then flow will be directed through the replacement.
o       Two options are available to replace this culvert; either the culvert can be jacked or an open cut will be done; this scenario is being left open because a decision has not been made at this time.
o       Notes were added regarding a dewatering plan, i.e. control of dewatering during construction of the culvert.
o       Road widening will include excavation of the siltier materials, discharge the water through a flocculent; this aids in the settlement of the fine particles in the pump discharge.
o       Storm water discharge at the Scantic River is the only direct wetlands impact associated with the project.
o       A structure has been created at a manhole (dropping the water 2’ to reduce velocity that is coming down the slope).
o       Temporary seeding has been increased to five pounds per thousand feet.
o       The extra planting plan for the detention basin was removed.
o       The separating distance between seedlings on the slope planting plan was decreased (from 5’ to 3’ on center).
o       Excavation will take place in clean sand; when the clay layer is reached then flocculent will be necessary.
o       No work will be done outside the right-of-way except for extension of a silt fence.
o       A water quality structure on the outlet (stormceptor #900) was added – at top of slope.
o       The detention basin was altered – the shelf at the outlet was enlarged to allow flow to go through a wider vegetated area (pulled back the outlet to accomplish this).
o       Fertilization will include slow release nitrogen as part of the landscaping plan.
o       Notes were added to the E & S plan, not only the flock logs notes but also to the silt control plan – meet DEP’s industrial stormwater discharge permit.
o       Berms were added along the area where there are existing channels that cut into the slopes in order to prevent surface water from further impacting those slopes.
o       Additional construction measures as part of the cross culvert, i.e. sequencing etc. have been added.
o       The chemical flocculent information has also been added.
o       Mitigation measures are shown as part of the road upgrade, i.e. stabilization of existing eroding banks and swales.

Stanley Dinia, GZA, Environmentalist and representing the applicant had the following comments:

o       Distributed a supplemental packet to the Commissioners.
o       Photo #1 – culvert removed and regrading shown.
o       Photo #2; #3; #4– disturbed wetland area – fill (appropriately seeded) to be used to stabilize.
o       Mitigation factors associated with the road widening will include the resetting of the 24” road culvert; regrading of areas bordering Rye Street and adjacent wetlands/watercourses with appropriate stabilization will occur; invasive species will be removed and covered with erosion fabric; removal of the 15’ culvert will include regrading; storm water to be treated with 2 stormcepters; and banks reshaped to moderate slope, stabilized.
o       Seeding and planting will be monitored.
o       Removal of farm debris will include 3 barns.
o       Site contains grassland habitat because it was mowed annually.

Folger’s comments and concerns were as follows:

ü       GZA’s report shows a significant planting component.
ü       Erosion scar on the eastern side – estimation of hydrology is desired.
ü       Removal of drainage structure, invasive species and herbicides to be utilized.
ü       Concern of invasive species spreading when disturbed – control plan is desired.
ü       Clean fill is desired and proposed plants are to be native to the area.
ü       Comments from the Town Engineer is desired; many items are covered but those that need to be addressed are removal of the remnant cross pipes or replacement with new pipes; north side of the slope/cross culvert contains unconsolidated material, i.e. broken glass (this material should be removed and replaced with clean material).
ü       West of the cross culvert contains a leakoff from the road; could be filled with clean fill – not an intermittent watercourse.
ü       If the applicant is not the owner of the property a letter is necessary from landowners giving permission for the project.

Craig Stevenson, EDC indicated that the proposal is a very large and encompassing economic development project thus he was requesting the Commission to hold a special meeting the week of March 12th.

Warren requested public participation.

Carol Flagg, 140 McGrath Road, spoke against this application.  Her concerns centered on traffic, abatements given, delayed building permits.

Kelly made a motion to continue the public hearing at a Special Meeting, March 14th at 7:00 p.m.  Appleton seconded the motion.  The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

2.      Appl #07-09P, Kilkenny Heights Subdivision – 320 Abbe Road – IWA/CC application to construct a 14 lot residential subdivision, roads, stormwater structures and associated improvements on property located easterly of Abbe Road, and northerly of Maskel Road, A-20, A-30, RR Residential Zone

Warren recused herself from discussing or voting on application 07-09P because a family member is an abutter.  Kelly chaired the meeting.

Delnicki read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Saturday, February 24, 2007 and Saturday, March 3, 2007.

Wilson Alford, Jr., Engineer and representing the applicant had the following comments:

Ø       A subdivision was previously approved on the property in the 80’s.
Ø       It is proposed to construct a road from the Maskel Road cul-de-sac.
Ø       Storm drainage from the site will go south to a detention basin (siltation basin during construction) then continue to existing storm drainage in Abbe Road.
Ø       Two additional houses have been added to the plan.
Ø       Not all E & S measures are shown on submitted plans – there are 4-5 pages of detailed E & S control mechanisms that will be phased throughout the construction.
Ø       After construction the detention basin will have a wet bottom (1 ½’); a stone trench will be constructed in the bottom to act as a slow drain, the process will take 2-3 days to allow sediments to settle out.

James McManus, Soils Scientist and representing the applicant had the following comments:  

Ø       Site was delineated in October resulting in locating 3 wetlands on the site.
Ø       Wetland located near Abbe Road is disturbed and of low value.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to:      adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Marrero
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows:  unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary